Lowestoft, England

Up close and personal

There is no "I" in struggle

Up close and personal

Hey everyone, hope you’re all well today. I’m launching a new style of blog, never done this type before, but Emma from folk features, inspired me, and also David my IT man, to try it out. So thank you both.

I’m going to have guests answer some questions, and hope it helps someone out there.

Today my first guest is going to be my partner Debs, we call ourselves the A team, after all we’ve been through, on our journey with mental health.

Question 1. What was the best advice you ever had?

Not sure about this one. We all ask for advice, but don’t really want to hear it, as it’s always someone else’s point of view. We want someone to agree with what we’re thinking. Think about it, how often do we do what someone advices?? someone might say something that resonates with us, deep inside, but as far as advice goes, I’m not really sure I can think of one instance I’ve been given any that has stuck with me.

Question 2. What do you find that helps you in a low place?

I find food, lots of sarcasm, and jokes help a lot, lol. seriously, apart from that, talking to my closest friends, having a rant and a good cry, makes it a little better. I try to look at the positives in life, which is very hard when you’re in that place, but instead of arguing with that dark voice in your head, I try to reason with it, so far, very successfully. I don’t think there’s any one answer that would help everyone, as we are all a product of our upbringing and surroundings, so we all have different ways of coping. it gets better as you get older, because you understand more. We know we’ve been through worse and came out the other side, so that light at the end of the tunnel, isn’t a dickhead with a torch, it’s always hope, and that’s what I cling to, hope.

I hope you like this new blog of mine its coming to you every Thursday from 9.30 am U k time.

Thank you for reading and if you wanna take part drop a comment or leave me an email.

One Response

  1. Dear John

    As always your Blog wants a reply.

    I am going to answer the questions to.

    1. What was the best advice you ever had?

    My Dad once gave me some advice. Work for a large company son. I asked him if it was to appear more anonymous? I think it was so that one’s pay packet was more regular.

    Examining his simple advice and knowing Sons and Dads and being a competitive sort. I did the opposite. However, I think I have written more code and learned more about computers and the industry and people that if I had worked for a large company.

    2. What do you find helps you in a low place?

    You might think that me writing, “a ladder”, is a bit silly. What if I meant though the helping hand to lift me, or the actually ladder to get me out of a hole.

    More seriously, though, what about simply sharing knowledge. Coping mechanism sharing if you have a few ways to resolve anxiety or stress why not share them, it might save a life.

    1. Circle therapy. If you have a de jar vu or glitch in the matrix, why not draw a small circle on your palm or leg. The thought that triggered the noticing can then be accompanied by a movement which more accurately can be returned to by reflection from a moment later in the day on a couch or rest time. Without the movement (drawing of circle) the action time cannot be returned to so accurately for analysis.
    2. Coughing for assertive attention. In a shop coughing can cause people to notice you and thus listen or observe more than otherwise. Do so cautiously as in some environments attention is not wanted.
    3. Other movements which might appear as “tics” but are in fact designed to move the energy that surrounds living beings. Note: This might appear a bit wizard like, however, in the 21st Century might be more akin to a Jedi.

    John … I really appreciated this response and am pleased you offer a forum for doing so.

    Here is a suggestion for two questions in a following week:

    1. Mental health … Burden on society? or a Resource with untapped potential?
    2. Peer Support (Self Help)? Or Clinical Help (NSFT / NHS)? Which should we access more.

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