Under the surface.

Good morning everyone! I hope you’re all well and you’ve had an amazing weekend.
Today I found this picture on a Facebook group and it really hit me hard. So, I decided to write about it.

So when I was at school, writing was something I struggled with. I never really looked into it before as I felt stupid even asking a teacher about it. My writing wouldn’t make sense and I would often skip words in the sentence. However my partner used to go to a writing club, so I decided to go along and see what it was like and if it could help me. Well can I just say, it definitely gave me an imagination, and to see everyones own style of writing. I do believe that this has helped me with writing my blog.
I’ve been taking a bit of a break from writing but I have written some new blogs this year that I am really proud of. So I’ve gone from not wanting to write to now writing blog posts and this is something I’m very proud of.
Also when I was growing up I would never stand up in front of a group of people and speak, but I have now delivered training in front of a a team for the local council. As well as speaking in local schools about self harm and mental health, I’ve delivered training, talked to local charities and I’ve now done a talk for a university in Essex. When I do these things the lead up to the event is the worst because I get worked up and convince myself I’m getting in over my head. When it’s over I’m really tired, the toll of stress I gather.
Both writing and doing these talks make me feel really empowered, it’s really helped me as it’s felt like a kind of self therapy. It makes me feel good that something I have said or spoken about could help just one person and that’s mainly all I set out to do
I’ve also grown by asking people for help when I need it, this is something that I used to really struggle with but as time goes on, I know I can do this. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness it shows just how strong you are.
Thank you for reading and I hope you all have an amazing week!
2 Responses
Dear John
Vulnerability is not weakness. Knowing your shortfalls, understanding them, then improving. That is a strength. It is called learning.
Learning is the most important thing for a being. Without learning, understanding is deficient. That is a weakness.
Love this John, you do a fantastic job and so proud of what you do!!
I hate group speaking and really don’t know how you make it look and sound so easy!
I also Love the picture it really is a powerful reminder. Growth is not always visible
Please keep writing and sharing the love