Get out of my head

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all well and good, and have had amazing weekend.
Today I’m bringing you the second installment of my naughty mental health calender.
‘Hold on let me overthink this shit.’

I am great at overthinking stuff in my head I always go to the worse case possible. When I have a health issue, I always think it is going to be the worse thing ever.
One job interview I went for, my second position in a care company, I had the interview and when I came out of there, I was cursing myself. I told myself I’m useless because I messed up on a basic question. I really did beat myself up over it. I over thought it for an hour, then later I got a phone call to say they where offering me the position. I even double checked with them on the phone are you sure? they said yes.
So I beat myself up and over think for nothing grrrrrr.
Can I also add the calendar also states ‘whatever you’re feeling is valid’
I’ve had several professionals tell me that it’s not valid and it’s actually not real what you’re feeling.
But after all the years and different groups I’ve been in, I realise that my feelings are important and valid and should be heard.
Don’t let anyone tell you any different.
Thank you for reading, have an amazing week. I wish you good mental health see ya in the next one.
One Response
Dear John
Always best to be the best version of yourself. We all have bad versions 🙂 Honesty to the conversationalist always pays dividends.
I find reading which is interactive with yourself helps.
I do a lot of reading for my work, it is technical.
I always have about 10 books on the go which is hard to juggle and I find I cannot get time to read them much.
I do not mind that because I am often coding in in my own world.
The conversation you have with yourself when reading is called imagination 🙂