Lowestoft, England

Author: John Durrant

There is no "I" in struggle

Never too late for answers

Hello everyone, I hope you’re all well and good! I hope none of you have been affected by the bad weather we’ve been having in the UK. Today I’m going to talk to you about the new diagnosis I’ve got and what it means to me and to thank those who were with me on…
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World Mental health 2023

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all well and good and you have a good day! I’m going to speak to you today as it’s World Mental Health Day So it’s the 10th of October 2023, today is World Mental Health Day so it only seems fitting that I share how you can help and the…
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Hey everyone, I hope ya are all well and good. Sorry I haven’t been about it, but I’ve been busy, bee. Today, I’m going to talk to about CHIME that I’ve learnt   into sets of recovery model and say about was in recovery mode in the different sections of chime. So, C is for…
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When The Going Gets Tough

Hey everyone, hope you’re all well and good. I hope you’re enjoying the mixed weather conditions at the minute… Another Monday rolls around and we are starting module 2, this module is based on change. I already knew this was going to be a hard module for me personally… So when I arrive I say…
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My Journey So Far

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all well and good. Today I am going to talk to you about the last couple of sessions I have had on the Wave Project with Norfolk and Waveney Mind. The last session I had I found really helpful and I felt like I took a lot away from it.…
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Taking the next step

Hey everyone, hope you’re all well. It’s been a while since I’ve posted as I’ve just started going to therapy. The aim is that it gives me a boost and this is what I’m going to talk to you about today. So just before the start of covid I found out that my local Mind,…
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Men’s Walk and talk East Anglia

Hey everyone, hope you’re all well and good! For the UK readers hope you remembered to put your clocks forward. Today I’m going to talk to you about how I attended a walk and talk in my local town for men.  So a month or so ago I saw a post about a walk and…
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My Addiction battle

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all well and good and that you’ve had a cracking week! So today I want to talk to you about my caffeine addiction. It started when I lost my job due to medical reasons and I started to comfort eat. I then got into drinking coke and before I knew…
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Next Chapter

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all well and good and have had a great week! It’s the weekend tomorrow so I hope you all take some time to recharge yourself. Today I’m going to tell you about some news I received this week from a charity I got involved in back in 2018. So I…
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Part of A Community

Hey everyone I hope you’re all well and in good spirits today! I just want to talk to you about two people that have made me feel apart of the online game play community. First we have Onlycamz on twitch, the blood is a right laugh! He’s also very talented, I finally got the courage…
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