
Hey, everyone. I hope you had an amazing weekend that achieved all you had planned.
Today, I’m going to talk to you about something that I have struggled with all my life. The reading of an analogue clock.
I can remember in primary school when we were learning about clocks, it always went in but never stayed in my head.
And then when it came to middle school and year 6 and we had exams, i remember my teacher saying, you need to learn the analogue clock cause there will be questions. Usually it would be around a bus time table, and I can’t read them either.
When I hit high school, I had this problem more, and couldn’t understand it and felt embarrassed as a male teenager boy. I should have been able to read a clock.
My thoughts were, that it brought a stigma about being a male, and not being able to understand a fundamental thing that everyone seemed to find so easy. At that time in my life, I should have been care free and not worrying about how others would perceived me.
It wasn’t until I went to college, that one of the tutors actually took time to try to help me understand the 24-hour clock so I took that as a win.
I tried over the years to understand them but never could, so struggle and this is why I think I did terrible on paper exams in school and college, as I’d rush through them.
Since meeting my partner she has helped in many different ways by buying digital clocks and helping me with analogue ones, not ridiculing me if I got the time wrong on the analogue clock.
So my oldest step daughter, two weeks ago, showed me a watch she got on line and I liked the look of it, so my partner looked for one and as of this weekend, I’m a proud owner of a watch that lets me choose analouge or digital time, plus other great features, good old shien.
I didn’t have a clue how to set it up, but my partner wizzed through it and showed me how, bless her.
My message today is, put things in place to help you with anything you’re struggling with, it does help. Its quite common for people not to understand an analogue clock, or anything else that people find easy, and you don’t. why be so hard on yourself, if you found something easy and others found it hard, you would look for solutions to help them, so why not help yourself, trust me, you’re worth it.
Have an amazing week ahead, and thank you for reading.😀💛💚💙
2 Responses
Love this John but to me you prove one important thing, you must never give up, you will get there and rightfully as you say, there is always a way to assist what ever your challenge!
Please remember give yourself a break, no one is as hard on us as ourselves but we really should learn not to be so tough on ourselves.
Love your blogs, keep up this hard work!
Good Afternoon Paul thank you for reading and taking the time to comment on my blog.
your support is much apricated